Sheridan Ruth

2 Signs That Signal Your Nervous System Is Not Ready For More Money – Build An Anxiety- Free, Profitable Business 

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Do you desire a higher income? Discover the key signs your nervous system might be holding you back from making more money.

Feeling worried and stressed about your financial situation can be a sign that your nervous system is reaching its upper limit capacity for money. In this episode, we explore how your body’s response to financial stress affects your income and the steps you can take to prepare your nervous system for financial abundance.


By the end of this episode you’ll know:

The most misunderstood sign your nervous system isn’t ready for more money

The nervous system mechanics behind the most common reason, and how to prepare your nervous system for more money

What you MUST know if you want to increase your income this week, month and for the rest of your life

Ready to boost your income and cultivate a secure relationship with money? Tune in to this episode and explore practical somatic practices to increase your financial capacity.

Discover more insights in podcast episode 45, “Three Ways to Prime Your Body and Nervous System to Sign More Clients.”





[00:00:00] Sheridan: As much as you desire a higher income, there are certain signs that show us that your nervous system is simply just not ready for it. Here they are. By the end of this episode, you will know exactly the most misunderstood sign your nervous system isn’t ready for more money, the nervous system mechanics behind the most common reason and how to prepare your nervous system for more money.


[00:00:37] And what you absolutely have to know if you want to increase your income this week. This month and then over and over again for the rest of your life.


[00:00:46] This first one was a little bit of a rude awakening for me. There was a part of me that used to think that if I planned, worried, and stressed enough for money, then that would be the path to money. In fact, sometimes [00:01:00] I still, I still fall into that. You know, I’m not perfect, I’m learning these things alongside of you guys and actively integrating them as much as you are.


[00:01:09] But there was a part of me that thought that if I worried about money, if I stressed about it, then that was a sign that I was on my way to making more of it. Because of course, if I could think about it enough and strategize enough, then I would get there in the end. Yeah, wrong. Being worried and stressed about money is a really.


[00:01:45] So when we’re feeling that worry and that stress about it, what we tend to do is we focus on being worried and stressed about it, or we focus on reducing our stress, or


[00:02:00] we focus on like by. Doing things either just yoga and meditating or by fixing the problem and trying to make more money now There are times when that is appropriate and correct and the best paths of action However, I think it depends like how effective that’s going to be will depend on your intention behind it So if you’re noticing that you’re worried and stress about money, it’s simply a sign that you’ve reached your upper limit capacity of the amount of Money, pleasure, safety, happiness that you could have.


[00:02:33] So the amount that your body feels safe receiving, and it’s also a sign that your, your body doesn’t totally feel safe right now. If you remember, we go back into, I think episodes 37 to 40, we talk about the four different nervous system state signs that. Show us that our body isn’t feeling currently very safe with our goals and that it’s not going to give us the thoughts, feelings and emotions to get there.


[00:02:58] So, if we’re

[00:03:00] feeling worried and stressed, depending on the flavor of that worried and stress, it might be a sign of a fight response. If we’re like, really like, I gotta get this done. Could be a sign of a flight response. If we’re more like, I’m really afraid that I’m not going to, I feel really anxious about this.


[00:03:15] Or it could be more of that freeze immobilization response where it’s like, well, I just cannot do this. This is just not going to work at all. When your body is in a chronic state of stress and perceived lack of safety, it’s going to be very difficult for it to focus the resources.


[00:03:37] Um, in building a business in a really nourishing way, it doesn’t mean you can’t make money. You can, but there’s a difference between making money in a way that is nourishing and life giving. Meaning you feel more vital, meaning you have more aliveness, meaning you feel more embodied, meaning you feel really good, you have great relationships.


[00:03:57] And making money in a way that is [00:04:00] life depleting, meaning you feel burnt out, you feel anxious, you feel on edge, it’s really hard to relax, you can’t take naps, you snap at your family. You are here listening to Embodied Entrepreneur because you want to do it in a way that is life giving. My entire program, Body Based Business, is about how we can build businesses in a way that honors our body and brings us vitality and nourishment to the body without sacrificing income.


[00:04:29] And so, when you notice that you’re worried about stress and money, I want you to look at it a little bit differently. Instead of seeing it as I need to fix the problem of the money, I’m going to invite you to see it as, Oh, what is my body telling me? What is it telling me? Is there a fear that is coming up?


[00:04:54] Is there a should that is coming up? Is there


[00:05:00] anything going really well in my life that might be? uncomfortable. Is there anything that I might be feeling in my body that might be uncomfortable? Is there a knowing deep down inside that I’m avoiding?


[00:05:17] Because sometimes we experience worry and stress because there’s something inside that needs to be followed. And then sometimes we experience it just because we’re learning to feel safe. And so in that case, my question would be, instead of how can you focus on releasing the worry and stress, the question that I want you to ask yourself is, how can I help myself feel more safe and grounded at this time?


[00:05:45] Because if you would like your money to be ready, your body to be ready for more money, and I’m going to assume you are, We want the body to feel safe and nourished and supported with this income level with a tiny little bit of healthy stress


[00:06:00] so that it feels motivated to the next income level. Healthy stress isn’t that you feel worried and stressed about it.


[00:06:08] It’s more like a little fire under you that’s like, oof, I’m really excited for the next step. Oh, I cannot wait to have it. That’s what we’re talking about when we talk about healthy stress and from an embodied place pursuing income goals. So, that is the most misunderstood sign that your nervous system isn’t ready for more money.


[00:06:30] I want to talk about the nervous system mechanics behind the most common reason and how to prepare your nervous system for more money. And so the last thing we’re going to touch on today in our little episode is what you need to know if you’re going to increase your income this week, month, and the rest of your life.


[00:06:47] The number one thing to know whenever you want to increase your income is that whatever you are currently making in like your income at the moment, whatever your current bank statement says,


[00:07:00] that is your current capacity for money.


[00:07:04] And so if you. If you ever want to increase your income this week, this month, the rest of your life, the question that you need to ask yourself is how do I increase my capacity for money? There are so many ways to answer this question and some of them are going to be things like Like some of them are going to be strategic.


[00:07:23] How do I increase my capacity? While I would need to do something that is higher paying. I need to serve more. I need to provide more value. I need to simplify these things in my business. So I’m not putting any energy on them. Um, I need to feel more resourced and supported. So I might need an assistant.


[00:07:37] Some of them are going to be strategic and they are really important. They are super important. I need to figure out how to do my taxes. We cover all of these things in body based business. Some of them are strategic. Some of them are somatic. Some of them are going to be like, okay, well, I need to feel safe being perceived as a rich person.


[00:07:53] I need to feel supported by my partner and know that they’re not going to leave me. I


[00:08:00] need to love myself. I need to forgive myself from an investment that I made that wasn’t supportive. I need to feel that I’m worthy of receiving. I need to feel That I could actually receive that physically in my body.


[00:08:14] Like that needs to feel possible for me instead of a far away dream. I need to feel. Resilient that I can get through anything. Um, I need to feel safe. And so though, that’s kind of the question that I want to invite you to ask yourself. And I do have a podcast episode on this and it’s going to spark some ideas for what you can do.


[00:08:38] The podcast episode is podcast number 45, and it’s called three ways to prime your body and nervous system to sign more clients. In this episode, you are going to get access to a somatic practice to prime your nervous system for more clients. You’re also going to get access to simple daily actions that you can’t miss.


[00:08:56] If you want to increase your income. And the often ignored and


[00:09:00] most important part to prepare for signing clients. If you’re not signing clients, you can replace this with selling more products, etc. Whatever it is, it’s going to bring you more abundance. Thank you for joining. I’ll speak with you soon.

2 Signs That Signal Your Nervous System Is Not Ready For More Money – Build An Anxiety- Free, Profitable Business 

Embodied Entrepreneur: Anxiety-Free & Profitable Business By Healing Trauma With The Nervous System By Sheridan Ruth Oct 19, 2023