Social Media and The Nervous System: How To Build A Profitable Anxiety Free Business, Without Being Online 24/7 

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Ever felt like you’re suffocating under the weight of online expectations, craving the freedom of real-life connection for your business?

In this episode, discover how Holly transformed her business by shifting away from online dependence and reclaiming her unique way to navigate the online vs offline world using 1 embodiment practice. 


You’ll walk away knowing: 

  • How to break free from the constraints of online expectations and build a profitable business that aligns with your desire for real-life connection.
  • How embodiment practices can help you tap into your body’s wisdom, allowing you to create offers that resonate deeply with both you and your audience, without feeling forced or out of alignment.
  • How to set prices that feel natural and magnetic, attracting clients effortlessly while staying true to your values and desires.


Easeful, shame-free, and nervous system friendly business begins with easeful, shame-free and nervous system friendly offers. 


Inside Unapologetic Offer Creation you’ll create an (online or offline) offer you love selling and are excited to execute using body-based tools 


In this 3-day nervous system training, you are going to:


  • Learn the ONLY strategy you need to craft (or refine) an offer out of your services, or product that makes you want to scream from the rooftops how amazing it is.
  • Understand the ESSENTIAL nervous system keys to picking a price that feels YUMMY and people are magnetised to. 
  • Uncover the ONE embodiment practice you need to sell your offer, naturally and without feeling heavy, icky or inauthentic. 


Click here to register for Unapologetic Offer Creation


By signing up for this event, when the doors to Shameless Sales open on March 25, you will be able to get a UOC only exclusive bonus: Somatic Manifestation, that will help you manifest your next client in your DM.





[00:00:00] How do I build a million dollar business if I’m not online all day? Until she began working with me. In today’s podcast episode, you are going to learn how my client, Holly, used one embodiment practice. To decide if she wanted to be online in her business or offline.


[00:00:33] The nervous system tricks to quit worrying about the Instagram algorithm and depending on all external circumstances for your success. And how to feel confident inside of your own decision making process and be able to navigate the ins and outs of the online world versus the offline world. You’re also going to learn the body based secret to feeling like you have freedom of expression inside of your


[00:01:00] business while maintaining enough specificity that you can gain momentum and profitability.


[00:01:05] Let’s go. So when Holly and I met, she had just emerged from a really deep trauma healing journey. And she was noticing that every time she logged into her laptop for work, her body recoiled. I don’t know, my dear listener, if you have experienced something like this. I certainly have. I think that, you know, after COVID some of us, uh, I don’t know, I feel like most of us kind of want a little bit of like offline ness.


[00:01:32] You know, because when you get really attuned to your nervous system, you begin to notice that there’s like a dysregulation that can happen when you’re connected to screens and things, your body kind of moves forward. Yet, and you might be a sensitive person like me, and you notice these things, yet at the same time, you might be similar to me, um, and you like the freedom and expansion and kind of, um, The online world creates such a opportunity for profitability


[00:02:00] that sometimes in person doesn’t create.


[00:02:01] The online world offers an ability to be more, it offers a bigger audience. Um, sometimes marketing can be easier and sometimes, you know, it’s great for, if you want to be location independent, or if you’re like me, Really sensitive to being in other people’s energy and don’t really love doing in person stuff, but also do like to do in person stuff Anyway, Holly when we met could feel that dysregulation running through her body.


[00:02:29] She could feel that when she connected to Electronics she would get kind of scattered and she began having a lot of migraines What we knew when we started working together was that she wanted to experience these breathing living humans in front of her She wanted to see their eyes. She wanted to feel her energy Um, she wanted to sit next to roommates that make noise while she hangs podcasts.


[00:02:50] I don’t know if you guys heard that, probably not. Um, she wanted to be able to say hello to her clients with a good, with a hug, you know. She wanted to stop worrying about


[00:03:00] Instagram algorithms. And there was this deep, deep, deep desire laying inside of her that probably felt like, that felt, that felt scary to admit.


[00:03:10] Because she would wonder. How do I build a million dollar business if I’m not online all day? Until she began working with me. Holly and I used one embodiment practice, and on the other side of it, she’s been able to use her online business to support her offline business and vice versa. She feels bold and exhilarated, free and supported as her business has kept thriving.


[00:03:32] She has been creating a new community in her area that supports her business and supports her full expression as an individual. She has that freedom inside of the way that she moves within her community. She has switched the taps and clips of her laptop keys for the warmth of human presence and she feels good about this.


[00:03:48] She hasn’t sacrificed her revenue. She spends each day feeling calm and focused and her migraines are a distant memory. She’s quit worrying about the Instagram algorithm and no longer [00:04:00] depends on any external circumstances that she cannot control for her feeling of success. We didn’t do this through mindset work.


[00:04:07] We didn’t do this through through trying to convince. I think a lot of the time we’re faced with these limitations and some of you guys, um, are kind of in that resistance. And this is the one thing that I want you to really take away from this episode. When you are trying to convince yourself that something isn’t true, when you’re trying to convince yourself that, oh, I can be successful even though I don’t have Uh, even though there’s only three people watching my Instagram stories, or I can be successful even though I am doing something that I don’t really like, you’re, you’re playing into that resistance more, you’re meeting yourself in the resistance because you’re focusing on it so much, you’re paying, you’re, you’re bringing all of your awareness to it, it’s going to keep growing.


[00:04:46] So one of the things that I’m here to teach you to do is to do the opposite, to be able to kind of not bypass that resistance, but rise above and around it, like truly meet it where it is with such benevolent 


[00:05:00] compassion and non judgement ness, if that’s a word, so that we can go beyond it, so that we can go past it, so that you can create an offer that you love selling online or offline, so that you can feel that you’re not kind of Beholden to algorithms or click rates or did my emails go into somebody’s spam box?


[00:05:23] Inside of unapologetic offer creation, you are going to learn how to create an offer, whether that is online or offline that you love selling and you are excited to execute. And we’re going to do that by tapping into your body. Your body is telling you right now, the exact method that you need to take in order to be profitable.


[00:05:43] It’s not going to give you the full 25 step plan, but it’s going to give you the next step that you need or the next couple of steps that you need. It’s already giving it to you. What’s happening though is that you’re probably full of doubt and full of shame and full of fear and full of the voices of a thousand other people.[00:06:00]


[00:06:00] And so it’s very difficult for you to, to discern what that thing is. That’s okay, because in my three day nervous system training, I’m going to give you some education. I’m going to give you some coaching and I’m going to give you some tools to use and access your body weight based wisdom so that you can craft or refine an offer for yourself.


[00:06:21] Of your service as a product that makes you so excited to naturally sell it. You sell it as easily as you convince your boyfriend how to watch Love is Blind with you. Maybe a little bit easier than that. You’re gonna learn the essential nervous system keys to picking a price that feels like honey dripping off of your tongue and that people are magnetized to.


[00:06:42] Something the market likes and so do you. And you were going to use the one embodiment practice, the one that Holly and I used, that you need to understand how to sell your offer naturally and without feeling icky or embarrassed, or that you’re doing something out of alignment. So you’re going to go to the link below, you’re going to 


[00:07:00] register for unapologetic offer creation.


[00:07:02] Once you put your email in, you’re going to receive a welcome email, the link and guidelines on how to get the most out of the experience. At the end of the experience, I’m going to invite you into shameless sales, which is my six week program on how to master the art of selling in a way that feels easy, abundant.


[00:07:17] And like you were talking to an old friend, I’m excited to see you on zoom.



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