I Don’t Believe In Niching – How Geri Created A Sellable Offer Without Fitting Into A Box – Anxiety-Free, Profitable Business and Somatic Trauma Healing

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The topic of niching used to fill me with a tightness in my chest and a tension in my jaw, until I found my perfect niche (a few times over!). Here is the trauma informed Secret To Niching. 

In the next 7 minutes you’ll learn: 


  • How niching creates a more sellable offer (even if you don’t want to fit into a box)  
  • How Geri niched without force, claimed her expertise and is now selling a specific offer that feels expansive. 
  • Exactly what to do if niching makes you feel icky 


To find the niche you feel EXPANSIVE in, and is attractive to your best clients, join Unapologetic Offer Creation – a free, 3 day live event where you’ll be walked through the exact process I use to teach my clients how to be unapologetic in their business and craft magnetic offers they love selling and are excited to execute, confidently and consistently. 


You are going to learn: 

  •  The proven strategy to create your offer that’ll have your ideal clients flooding your inbox and your stripe account rising.
  • How to use your nervous system when pricing your offer that feels like honey dropping off your tongue, and your ideal clients are magnetised to. 
  • the ONE embodiment practice to sell your offer, easily and without feeling salesy 


This event is for the service provider who wants to create to sell their offer in an unapologetic way using a proven strategy, nervous system awareness and energy embodiment.


You’ll walk away with your BEST sellable offer, crafted using non-anxiety inducing proven strategies. 


We will also be opening the doors to my new offer, Shameless Sales, where you will have the opportunity to secure an exclusive bonus.


Click the link below to register.







[00:00:00] the topic of nation used to fill me with a tightness in my chest and attention in my jaw. But here is my tried and true trauma informed secret to niching. In the next seven minutes, you’re going to learn how niching creates a more sellable offer. Even if you don’t want to fit into a box, how do I niche without force claim to expertise that is now selling a specific offer that feels expansive and exactly what to do if the topic of niching makes you feel icky. The topic of niching used to fill me with a tightness in my chest and a tension in my jaw. For my client, Geri, it used to make her feel confused. She would kind of come to me and say, how can I possibly


[00:01:00] communicate all that I do and narrow it down?


[00:01:03] Listener, have you felt the same? Honestly, tell me if you felt the same, send me a message on Instagram. I want to know. Um, and honestly, I don’t believe in niching, but I do believe that if you are not specific about what you are an expert at, who you serve best and how you do it, then you’re probably not operating from a regulated, grounded, and confident nervous system.


[00:01:27] And as a result, your business will struggle to create sustainable income. As a maybe even larger result, your mental and physical health will have a toll. There will be a toll taken on your mental and physical health and on your relationships and on the way that you parent and on the way that your endocrine system works and all of these things.


[00:01:46] So I’m going to invite you today to let go of the ideal client templates that you’ve already been working on. I’m going to invite you to use the wisdom of your body and your nervous system and an endocrine system. Bodied


[00:02:00] sense of confidence to niche. That way we’re going to find a niche that is easy for you.


[00:02:06] That way we’re going to find the niche that is for you. The thing that you are very good at helping people with so that you can experience, first of all, less imposter syndrome. When I’m really clear about who I’m really good at helping with, how I get them and what I do not do, my imposter syndrome, it diminishes.


[00:02:26] Cause like considerably so that you can also experience this deep sense of clarity and confidence and Ease when you go to market, there’s no stress around marketing your stuff. You can Experience that famous moment of like invoice paid emails coming into your into your inbox You can look at your bank account Um, you can see that it’s steadily growing, you can experience people inviting you onto podcasts or 


[00:03:00] expert panels, both online and in person events, and you can be that go to expert by your peers, having a nervous system.


[00:03:10] Approach to a niching. So having a grounded nervous system and then looking at who do I best serve? How do I do it? And what are my limitations? What is the scope of my practice helps you stop worrying about having to convert observers into clients because you know exactly what lead magnet to use. You know exactly what to say in your marketing.


[00:03:31] You’re able to save yourself time and energy and. You’re able to connect with the correct clients. You’re pulling them in through their value system, through your unique, specific problem. That is very clear that you confidently communicate that you will transparently communicate with your shame free nervous system.


[00:03:51] Because if you’ve been listening to the other episodes, we know that shame in your nervous system makes it very difficult to bring clients towards you and have sales.


[00:04:00] You don’t have to be salesy. When you have this embodied approach to niching, you don’t have to be pushy. You don’t have to be icky. And if you do, you don’t really need to learn all the tips and tricks of marketing, but if you do want to, it gets to be a fun little adventure and exploration, just a way to bring fun and creativity into your life, not something that you need to rely on to increase your income.


[00:04:22] And, and this is, this is personally my favorite and I’m recording this at the beginning of the month. So I’m just kind of in this space at energy, but the first of the month. You know, maybe for you in the past, or maybe now it definitely for me in the past, it used to feel like this dreaded thing. Like, Oh my God, I have to do that all over again.


[00:04:40] Now, when we come from this embodied space of creativity and confidence and flow, we have our niche, we know our market and we know our sales. The first of the month is so exciting. You wake up before your alarm because you’re. Get to do it again. You get to feel lightness and ease. You get to smile.


[00:04:57] They’re just your workplace becomes a place [00:05:00] of fun, of pleasure, of happiness. And you have to be that magnetic person to other people, which is really cool. So. Let’s start looking at, first of all, we’re going to do the body based business system, which is 75 percent somatic practices, nervous system regulation, and trauma healing.


[00:05:22] And then from that place, when you’re feeling that your nervous system feels confident, you feel clear. You feel ease in your body. There’s a sense of patience, but there’s a sense of courage and you have clarity. You can look and ask yourself, what is something that I’m really good at helping people with?


[00:05:47] What is kind of my unfair advantage? So what makes me, what am I uniquely qualified for? Who do I love helping? Like just try and say it out loud. Don’t try to be fancy about it. Just who do you love helping? Who do you


[00:06:00] love serving? What do you want to change in life?


[00:06:05] Who am I uniquely equipped to serve? What unique problem am I uniquely equipped to serve? And there may be a couple of them. And that’s okay. Especially if you’re anything like Jerry. She came to me and there was a couple of them. Uh, but when we look at that problem of there’s too many ideas here from a place of, I can work, I can make anything work.


[00:06:29] I just, and I make the right decision, which is what I’m going to teach you. That feeling of I can make anything work and I’m good at decision making. What we’re able to do is enter that space where nervous system intelligence, your somatic intelligence, the wisdom and intuition in your body meets strategic and profitable business.


[00:06:50] This is a place where you get to create a magnetic offer that you love selling and that you are really excited to share. And I’m going to help you get to this place inside


[00:07:00] of Unapologetic Offer Creation. This is a free three day live event, and it is for entrepreneurs who. Really want to increase their income and decrease their anxiety and do it all with an offer that’s easy to sell, guaranteed to sell, and they’re excited to sell.


[00:07:20] You’re going to walk away with your best sellable offer crafted using trauma informed and non anxiety, um, proven strategies. It’s for you if you’re not really sure. Who you’re helping and how you’re helping them. It’s also for you if you’ve been doing this for a little while and you’re just ready to really up level.


[00:07:36] Um, I hate that word. Why do I keep using it? It makes sense though, right? It’s like you’re in one place and we just want to kind of expand into the next place where you feel more confident, where you’re making more. Money where you’re making hate the word impact, but it is true. Um, we having more impact and we’re able to see the way that that brings more ease into your life and it continues to


[00:08:00] serve the communities and the people and the causes that you’re really passionate about.


[00:08:04] At the end of the three days, we’re going to be opening the doors to my new group program, which is shameless sales, where you’re going to master the art of sales using nervous system, science, trauma, healing, and a personalized step by step strategic plan that you can execute with ease. And I’m going to share with you a fun little bonus.


[00:08:23] So just to wrap up this episode. Stop thinking about niching, put it, put away the plans and the thoughts around it. Forget about that. Get grounded. Get in your body. Get clear. Get confident in yourself. And then ask yourself, who am I uniquely? Position to support what problem am I uniquely positioned to help them solve?


[00:08:46] And can I trust myself to make that decision and get it right and execute on it consistently? I will teach you how to, how to feel really confident in all of those answers and all of those questions and the answers that you have to


[00:09:00] those questions inside of unapologetic offer creation, you’ll find the link to, to join us or to watch the replay.


[00:09:06] Down below


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