How To Qualify Leads Without Sounding Weird & Salesy – Trauma-Informed Stress Relief for Profitable, Anxiety-Free Business

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Does your body recoil and feel awkward when trying to convert a lead into a sale? That makes sense. Mine too.


HOWEVER, you can learn how to navigate sales conversations effortlessly by leveraging nervous system science. 

By the end of today’s episode you will know:

  • The 3 nervous system secrets behind natural, authentic sales conversations that feel like genuine connections rather than forced transactions.
  • The practicality of releasing shame and self-doubt, allowing you to approach sales with confidence, clarity, and congruence.
  • How to create sustainable success and ‘manifesting’ ideal clients with manipulation. 


Easeful, shame-free, and nervous system friendly business begins with easeful, shame-free and nervous system friendly offers. 


Inside Unapologetic Offer Creation you’ll create an (online or offline) offer you love selling and are excited to execute using body-based tools 


In this 3-day nervous system training, you are going to:


  • Learn the ONLY strategy you need to craft (or refine) an offer out of your services, or product that makes you want to scream from the rooftops how amazing it is.
  • Understand the ESSENTIAL nervous system keys to picking a price that feels YUMMY and people are magnetised to. 
  • Uncover the ONE embodiment practice you need to sell your offer, naturally and without feeling heavy, icky or inauthentic. 



Click here to register for Unapologetic Offer Creation



By signing up for this event, when the doors to Shameless Sales open on March 25, you will be able to get a UOC only exclusive bonus: Somatic Manifestation, that will help you manifest your next client in your DM.





[00:00:00] How do I qualify a lead into a sale without sounding weird and salesy? This is a question that a wonderful client of mine asked me and her and I spoke about it, obviously, but I want to speak to you about it. In today’s episode, you are going to learn how to qualify lead without sounding weird and salesy the nervous system secrets behind having conversations around sales that feel easy and effortless.


[00:00:41] And like you’re chatting with old friends. And the next best step that you can take to make sure that all of your sales feels easy and abundant, and you’re proud of the way that you engage in business. Let’s go. Okay. So this is really, really simple, [00:01:00] but in practice it actually gets kind of difficult, right?


[00:01:02] So many of us, especially if you’re listening to this podcast, we start this idea of like, I want to have a business. I want to work online. And maybe it’s because you want more freedom or maybe it’s because you, um, you’re a mom or maybe it’s because you have like a big mission or like your mom, you want to work from home or you have a big mission, you know, just out there and you feel really driven and like to pursue your purpose, right?


[00:01:23] That is generally why most of us get into some sort of entrepreneurial venture. And We figure out that we need to learn sales. I need to actually, you know, learn how to make money and sell things. And that’s really awesome. But then a lot of, a lot of us do is we almost get filled with this need. Um, and this need to make money or this need to make sales either.


[00:01:50] Sometimes it’s because we actually need money. Um, sometimes it’s also because I’ve, I’ve noticed some people kind of get into this, uh, Mindset around [00:02:00] how many deals can you close? How many leads can you convert? And there’s almost this egoic wanting to achieve, wanting to strive, wanting to be the best that begins to infiltrate these sales conversations and drive these sales conversations.


[00:02:15] Our fear of failure comes up. Our fear of not being worthy enough comes up. Our trauma related to how, you know, when we were a kid, when we were a kid, we It, we used to get 99, like I was never this kid, but I know people were, you used to get like 98 out of a hundred. And then our parents would say, Hmm, but why didn’t you get a hundred?


[00:02:34] So that kind of trauma comes up and we’re trying to do the best in every single sales conversation because we have this underlying pattern of wanting to be the best and always be good and do everything perfect. Or maybe when you were a kid, you weren’t able to really vocalize your needs. It didn’t, you know, You weren’t really in a situation where you could get a lot of your needs met.


[00:02:53] So you created this, um, filter around the way that you communicate. And


[00:03:00] so now when you’re in sales conversations, you want to say something, but you, you can’t, you, you don’t know how it’s going to be perceived. So you overthink it and end up in your head and you’re all concentrated on yourself and you miss out on the organic opportunity of connection.


[00:03:13] That is sales. Sales is connection. So this is the nervous system science behind sales. Sales is connection. It is clarity. It is congruence.


[00:03:25] That’s the nervous system science behind effective sales. Sales that are not manipulative sales that are not, um, Based in the ego. Now, I’m not saying like, there are a lot of sales people out there who are using more manipulative and controlling tactics, um, and effectively making sales. However, you, my dear beloved embodied entrepreneur, you do not want to do that.


[00:03:49] You don’t like it when people do it to you and you have a bit of a spidey sense. You are quite attuned to, and you are aware in your body what it feels like when you go out of


[00:04:00] clarity, confluence, congruence, and confidence. When you go out of authenticity or alignment or heart centeredness, whatever it is that you use to call that feeling sense, and you don’t want to be that type of salesperson.


[00:04:12] I also believe, and this is just a personal opinion, that as we kind of develop and As a human race, we’re becoming more sensitive to these covert, uh, insidious, icky sales tactic things. I think we’re becoming more aware of how people manipulate others and our bodies are becoming more attuned to that.


[00:04:37] And not wanting to be around that type of thing at the same time, you know, I work in the coaching industry. You might too. Maybe you don’t. I think our industry has lost a lot of trust and the online industries have lost a lot of trust. We’ve gone through a change in the industry where people kind of bought into this idea of something.


[00:04:55] And a lot of people sold things that it. They ended up backing out of, or they didn’t


[00:05:00] deliver on, or it was just really not so great practices. And so I think the industry has lost a lot of trust and we as business owners and as entrepreneurs need to learn how to create trust within our audience. And the way that we do that is through the nervous system because at the end of the day, that primal body is what creates trust and what helps people make empowered decisions so that they can work with you or not.


[00:05:26] The, the answer to how to qualify leads without sounding weird and salesy is to stop trying to qualify leads. You sound weird and salesy because you’re trying to qualify leads, because you’re trying to get somebody to do something. You’re stepping into that part of you that wants to control, in the nervous system language, we might call this kind of the fight.


[00:05:46] Potter that like wants to kind of like go out there and like do a thing in order to create a result that they tend to have more of that fighty energy. Um, it could even be a phone. Maybe we’re going deeper down into that freeze nervous system state where we’re like, Oh, like what can I 

[00:06:00] do to, to, to like to help you get in this thing?


[00:06:02] Like how can I, how can I lower the price or, um, hey, like the inclusions, the inclusions could be something else. And, uh, you know, it could be like this if, if you, if that was to help you get in there. Um, What we’re trying to do is we’re trying to use a human being to meet a need of ours, which is either, which is to make a sale.


[00:06:20] Uh, we don’t use human beings to, to meet our needs unless they overtly agree to do so, but in business, the human beings are not there to meet your needs. No, you show up to business needing nothing. And being of service and being of value creation and being able to help people solve the problems. That’s why we’re in business.


[00:06:43] Yeah. We’re going to make sure your needs are going to be met. Yes. That is self love one on one that is nervousness regulation one on one, but we don’t show up to these conversations trying to manipulate somebody else into a response so that you can get a need met. That’s gross.


[00:07:00] That’s why it feels icky and salesy.


[00:07:02] So what we need to do is we need to learn this skill. This is a skill. Um, we need to learn how to be with energy inside of the body, to be with sensation inside of the body, and to be able to perhaps hold the parts of you that are concerned about that. Um, even if it is just paying rent or that are concerned about if you’re going to, um, look back on yourself and feel like a failure at the end of the day, or that are concerned about what it might be like to not have people inside of your offering or what it might be like to have to tell somebody like that shame that we feel is shame.


[00:07:34] It’s shame. At the end of the day, it’s shame. Shame comes up and says, Oh, you’re not good at this. Ooh. What will people say? It’s shame. And it activates those parts of you that want to manipulate other people. And so what we need to learn to do is to be with that shame, release that shame, remove that shame, and also just be with the ability to kind of hold that activation in the body if it happens.


[00:07:56] And, and then, and then engage in [00:08:00] a conversation with that other individual, the other human, other soul. And. Um, with clarity about what it is that you can do, what it is that you can help for and ask questions that help them get clarity about what they need with confidence in what it is that you can do and what it is that you can help them with and confidence in your pricing and confidence in the way that you engage with them.


[00:08:24] This is like a body. posture, a voice, uh, and then congruence, congruence between what you are saying to them, what you believe in your mind and what your nervous system is saying and congruence with kind of what it is that they need. Is it incongruent? Is it incongruence? Does it align with what you’re really good at helping?


[00:08:44] And if it does, then we have a very natural conversation around, okay, great. So now we’re clear on what it is that you need. We’re confident that I’m the best person to help you get there. Okay. The congruent action would be for you to purchase my program. This is how much money it costs. And that price needs to [00:09:00] make sense with your nervous system, um, with value, market value, et cetera.


[00:09:06] That’s how we do it. To recap, we’re holding in the body, we’re releasing Like the sensation, we’re releasing shame so that we can do that. And we’re showing up with clarity, confidence, and congruence. This isn’t a skill that I can teach you in a quick little podcast, even though I would love that God, I would love that so much.


[00:09:22] I’m trying really hard to teach this stuff in an accessible way. So I would love that, but I can’t. It is out of, it’s out of my ability. It’s out of the medium. It’s out of what we can use this medium for the place that I can teach it to you. However, is inside of unapologetic offer creation and shameless sales.


[00:09:39] Unapologetic offer creation is essentially module one or module zero of shameless sales, which is my group program that will help you master the art of shameless sales. So making sales that feel good in your body that are in alignment with your nervous system, past trauma, um, and. Yeah, I can really help you get your work out into the world in a way that you’re really


[00:10:00] proud of and create that business that you want.


[00:10:03] The anxiety free and profitable business. In order to create an anxiety free and profitable business, we need an anxiety free and profitable offer in order to figure out how to sell so that you can sell anything for the rest of your life, no matter what it is. And you will always have a, have like confidence in your, in your ability to create income.


[00:10:23] We need to an offer to practice selling. So we’re doing that inside of unapologetic offer creation. You can join for free. It is a three day training. We are going to cover the following number one, the One embodiment practice that you need to be able to sell naturally without feeling heavy, icky or inauthentic to the essential nervous system keys to picking a price that feels yummy and that people are magnetized to.


[00:10:50] And three, the only strategy that you need to craft or refine and offer for your services or product that makes you want to scream it out on the rooftops for how amazing it is. [00:11:00] When you sign up for this event, uh, I will be opening the doors to shameless sales and you will also be able to receive an exclusive bonus.


[00:11:07] Only the people who were in this event will receive this bonus. It is free to sign up. This bonus is called somatic manifestation, and it will help you manifest your next clients in your DMS and whatever the way they just want that you want to manifest them. You’ll find the link below. I’m so excited to have you there.



[00:11:23] Sending you so much love. Bye.

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