How To Price Your Coaching Offers (Don’t ‘charge what you’re worth’). Nervous System Based Business Expansion for Stress and Anxiety Relief

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Stuck in a cycle of indecision and uncertainty trying to pick the correct offer price? I’ve been there, and so many of my clients too.


 Contrary to common advice, the most effective way to pick the correct price isn’t about ‘charging what you are worth’ or ‘tapping into your intuition’ (although that can be helpful). If you want prices you feel GOOD sharing with others, and they feel EASE to invest in you, then you’ll benefit from todays episode where you’ll learn the nervous system science behind pricing and confidently setting your rates.


By the end of the episode you will: 

  • Gain clarity and confidence in setting your prices.
  • Learn effective strategies to overcome pricing indecision and uncertainty.
  • Discover how to approach pricing discussions with clients confidently and authentically.
  • Set prices confidently & get paid fairly – click play. 


To feel so confident in your pricing, and your offer you can skip all the mental Olympics and have sales conversations so neutral and fun it feels like you’re planning a weekend away together, your first step is to learn the nervous system science that makes offers magnetic.


Join Unapologetic Offer Creation – a free, 3 day live event where you’ll be walked through the exact process I use to teach my clients how to be unapologetic in their business and craft magnetic offers they love selling and are excited to execute, confidently and consistently. 


You are going to learn: 

  • The proven strategy to create your offer that’ll have your ideal clients flooding your inbox and your stripe account rising.
  • How to use your nervous system when pricing your offer that feels like honey dropping off your tongue, and your ideal clients are magnetised to. 
  • the ONE embodiment practice to sell your offer, easily and without feeling salesy 


This event is for the entrepreneur who wants to create to sell their offer in an unapologetic way using proven strategy, nervous system awareness and energy embodiment.


You’ll walk away with your BEST sellable offer, crafted using non-anxiety inducing proven strategies. 


We will also be opening the doors to my new offer, Shameless Sales, where you will have the opportunity to secure an exclusive bonus. 


Click the link below to register.





[00:00:00] if you are stuck in indecision or uncertainty or just can’t bring yourself to change your prices, this episode’s for you. By the end of the episode, you will have nervous system level clarity and confidence in how to set your prices as well as learn effective strategies to overcome pricing indecision that you might be in.


[00:00:36] And you’re going to discover how to approach pricing, pricing discussions with clients with authenticity and ease and confidence.


[00:00:45] Sheridan: Thank you, Lo, Lauren, Maddie, and Jessica for this question. Thank you for recommending it inside of Instagram. So you guys goal is to pick a price for your offer that you are confident will sell and that you will feel proud


[00:01:00] of. The reality is that you get interest. Cause you’ve been doing something and you’ve been working hard and you’ve been making changes and you get some interest in your offer and then you are really having like a lot of anxiety about how to charge and how to structure this and is it going to be too much and are they going to pay it or should it be like this and so you end up going back and forth because something feels good in your body and then that doesn’t.


[00:01:24] And so you oscillate between one number and another and then it’s 2 a. m. in the morning and you’re wide awake and you’re thinking how am I going to make this work and how are the numbers are going to add up and so then your mind goes thinking well maybe I need to change my title or make a website or maybe I need to do this other thing or maybe I need to change if there’s like a payment plan or I need to be more creative or have more sessions or something and you So finally, after you go through all of those things, you pick a number and you pick up, you pick a structure and a number and you’ve got it there and you bring it to the consultation call that you [00:02:00] have with your client and they end it with, yeah, thanks so much.


[00:02:03] I’m going to let you know.


[00:02:10] My whole body just like drops when I say that. So here’s what we’d prefer to fear experience, right? Here’s what we’re going to get to on the other side. You feel so confident in your pricing and your offer that you can skip all of the mental Olympics and you can have conversations. That feels so neutral and fun.


[00:02:31] It feels like


[00:02:42] you feel so confident in your pricing and your offer that you can skip all of the mental Olympic Olympics and have sales conversations that feel so neutral and fun. It feels like you’re planning a weekend away together. And at the end, your client walks away [00:03:00] really happy. And so do you, that is exactly what we are going to achieve when we utilize.


[00:03:09] I’ve presented you with the goal, the reality. Now we’re moving on to the solution. The solution is to create an offer aligned with your bodies. So your deepest subconscious desires, gifts, values, and hard no’s and limitations. Your hard no’s and limitations are just as important as your deepest desires, values and your greatest gifts.


[00:03:35] Because what we’re doing is we’re getting really, really. deep about what it is that your body actually desires and what it is actually not available for, not based on what your mind is telling you. We’re crafting an offer that you’re choosing a price that your body secretly doesn’t dislike. I remember I used to have, I used to have a certain price on an offer of mine and I didn’t really like it, but it was like, it was correct.


[00:03:59] [00:04:00] It was, and I just, and then I would sell it, but then I would like. I was like, why isn’t this selling? And it was like the correct price, right? Um, and it didn’t, it just didn’t feel good. I didn’t choose it. And so, I kind of looked away and I was like, you know what? After a couple of like sales calls, it just felt really like weird and off.


[00:04:23] I looked away and I said to the person who was co creating that offer with me and I was like, there’s just, I don’t feel like, I’m looking at this and like, I just don’t feel right about the price. Everything else was really good and my body is just like weird about the price, but I felt weird saying it.


[00:04:37] As soon as we listened to what my body was actually saying, um, and this is an advanced practice. It’s not necessarily as simple as like, Oh, I just, I felt this thing in my body. Therefore, X, Y, Zed, we really need to learn how to converse with the body and not take everything that the body and the mind says at face value.


[00:04:54] I’m going to say that again. We need to learn not to take everything that the body


[00:05:00] says at face value. When we learn. Make decisions with our body particularly as it relates to money Relationships aka sales and business we need to learn to do so from a deeper Understanding of what the body is saying because oftentimes when we do it from the surface level Understanding we get it wrong and we cause ourself more harm.


[00:05:30] I don’t want that for you. So when we Go deeper and we, we really understand we get to avoid the anxiety or the procrastination, right? When we’re taking it at surface level or we’re not even listening to the body at all We end up exhausted and we end up feeling burnt out and we feel like we’re like a bad person for selling or something When we create an offer that’s aligned with our body’s desires and limitations and and gifts


[00:06:00] You create an offer that you can share confidently without sounding needy, without frantic energy, um, without repelling clients.


[00:06:07] How we do this is we get into deep communion with understanding water.


[00:06:15] What is my body asking? And how can I remove all of the fear of listening to my body or, or mental fog that stops me from listening or inability to connect with my feelings? And how can I, how can I get to that, that deep, what’s the deepest desire underneath there and how it relates to pricing. And we have to move through a lot of icky stuff and shame around money or around being perceived or around serving or around being lazy or around wanting to work.


[00:06:44] We have to move a lot of the shame that we have around that in order to really reach in and understand what it is that the body desires. And then. What we also need to do is we need to understand that that this is, yes, it’s magnet, it’s magnetic and it’s


[00:07:00] going to pull people forward. But we also need to understand where that positions us inside of the market.


[00:07:04] And we need to understand what it is that our clients need and where they’re at. And so it’s this dance between understanding the market and what is profitable and appropriate in the market. And then kind of taking that information inside of your body and Um, using your curiosity, your awareness and your critical thinking, your creativity to align on a product structure and a price that just, that makes your body feel very at easing and quite neutral.


[00:07:33] Actually, a lot of people advocate for excitement and sometimes I do, but we, we usually want it to be kind of like, there’s a real value in neutrality so that when you, when you share that price. It doesn’t matter if you’re having an emotional high or emotional low day. It’s, it, you know, it’s a grounded price.


[00:07:52] Everyone feels good about it. You know, it makes sense. It makes sense, um, in you and it makes sense in the market


[00:08:00] so they can compare it with other products in the market and feel confident that they’re getting the best investment with you. It doesn’t mean that you need to be the cheapest or the most expensive.


[00:08:09] It doesn’t even mean that need. need to be in the middle. It just has to be congruent. It has to make sense. We spoke in episode number 87 about the value of congruence. So what we’re looking is for congruence inside of your body. This is how much I actually want to charge. This is how we want to structure it and then congruence within the market.


[00:08:29] This makes sense because of XYZ and I can clearly articulate the value. Of this product and the reason behind this pricing structure so that it’s clear for my consumers how this compares to their other options. That’s how we price your offer. And that is something that I can teach you when we sit and we do these practices and we sit with our spreadsheet and we sit with our numbers and then we bring it inside of the body.


[00:08:57] Then we take the information from the body. We put that out on


[00:09:00] the spreadsheet. That’s what we’re going to be doing inside of unapologetic offer creation. In order to feel so confident in your pricing and oral and your offer so that you can skip all the mental Olympics and have sales conversations feel so neutral and fun, it feels like you’re planning a weekend away together.


[00:09:17] Use the link below to join Unapologetic Offer Creation. You’re going to walk away with one, your most sellable offer that you’ve crafted using non anxiety inducing technology. And proven strategies. You’re going to learn the proven strategy to create this offer that will have idle clients coming into your inbox, how to use your nervous system to pick a price number that when you say it, it feels like honey is dripping off of your tongue and that your idle clients, they feel magnetized to this number and the one embodiment practice to use without fail to sell your offer easily and without feeling salesy.


[00:09:58] When you join us, you will also have [00:10:00] access and the opportunity to join me inside of my six week group program called shameless sales with a extra special bonus. Can’t wait to see you in the free event.

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