3 Steps To The Perfect “I help” Statement – The Key To Profitable, Anxiety Free Business For Nervous System Aware Female Entrepreneurs

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Did you know the nervous system can pick your best I help statement?

In the next 8 minutes you will 

  • Use nervous system science to xraft an ‘I help’ statement that sells and feels ‘correct’.
  • The 2 step process to how how faith fixed her ‘I help’ statement and doubled her leads 
  • Be able to easily describe what it is you do and who you serve 

To create the perfect ‘I help’ statementusing nervous system science join Unapologetic Offer Creation – a free, 3 day live event where you’ll be walked through the exact process I use to teach my clients how to be unapologetic in their business and craft magnetic offers they love selling and are excited to execute, confidently and consistently. 


You are going to learn: 

  • The proven strategy to create your offer that’ll have your ideal clients flooding your inbox and your stripe account rising.
  • How to use your nervous system when pricing your offer that feels like honey dropping off your tongue, and your ideal clients are magnetised to. 
  • the ONE embodiment practice to sell your offer, easily and without feeling salesy 

This event is for the service provider who wants to create to sell their offer in an unapologetic way using a proven strategy, nervous system awareness and energy embodiment.


You’ll walk away with your BEST sellable offer, crafted using non-anxiety inducing proven strategies. 

We will also be opening the doors to my new offer, Shameless Sales, where you will have the opportunity to secure an exclusive bonus.


Click the link below to register.






[00:00:00] Did you know that your nervous system can help you pick your best I help statement. In the next seven minutes, you will use nervous system science to create an I help statement that sells. You will learn how Faith fixed her I help statement and double her lead leads, and you will easily be able to describe what it is that you do and who you serve.


[00:00:34] Let’s go I’m yet to fully establish an easy way in which to describe what it is that I do still working on the I help statement. I received this message from a client of mine. She’s been in some level of entrepreneurship in different businesses for years. She does not fit into a box. And so her I help statement has always felt kind of stumbly or constricting and confusing.


[00:00:56] She’s particularly struggled with kind of specifically who do I help and


[00:01:00] what actually is it that I’m helping them do it. And this made it a lot harder for her to connect with and share her work when she was at networking events. And this message came after a networking event and as a result, you know, because she couldn’t articulate clearly and concisely and with confidence.


[00:01:17] Who is it? Who it is. He serves and what it is that she does. She ended up writing to me at the beginning of our coaching container. Uh, I’m yet to develop a feeling of comfort to talk to people slash leads about my business, like they’re old friends, even if they are old friends, ha. Uh, as you guys, you may have heard me talk about how sales gets to be this thing where it feels like you’re talking with old friends and that’s really kind of what we’re here for.


[00:01:41] I’m making it feel very neutral, very easy. So another thing to know about faith and you might identify with this, uh, probably probably do if you’re here is that she is a powerhouse of an individual. She is creative. She is intelligent. She is intuitive. She is amazing at her job. But like


[00:02:00] most of us, she has.


[00:02:01] Tended to stumble around the things like the I help statement. Why is this? There are two reasons, uh, that you might be stumbling around your I help statement, reasons that Faith stumbled around her. I help statement and reasons that I’ve also stumbled around this statement. It’s pretty simple when you break it down and it looks like this.


[00:02:21] Number one, her body is sending her conflicting emotions, sensations, and thoughts about what she should. So, it’s concerned about being clear. It’s concerned about what others will think. It’s concerned about how to wrap up her work into something clear and concise. And it’s sending a lot of these different messages.


[00:02:39] And they’re laced with a desire to be creative. They’re relased with what will so and so think. They’re relased with. There was this one person who said that there were laced with, um, or I couldn’t say it that way, et cetera. They’re laced with a whole bunch of things. Or what if they think I’m salesy?


[00:02:55] What if they think I’m trying to sell to them all of this stuff? And so. Um,


[00:03:00] what she’s trying to do because, and this is reason number two, because she has these, all these conflicting emotions, sensations, and thoughts. So she might also be, she’s having, I articulated the thoughts. Some of the emotions might be confusion, um, frustration, embarrassment, um, fear, um, excitement, um, clarity, uh, clarity is not an emotion, excitement, um, yeah, like joy, contentedness.


[00:03:27] Maybe even disappointment and she’s probably having sensations such as pain in her chest or attention in her jaw or like a rumbly feeling in her tummy or a big rush of energy saying wow or a big. Downpour of energy that feels heavy. And there’s all this stuff going on. And so she’s having this internal experience.


[00:03:49] And then on top of that, she’s trying to marry her strategic brain, the part of her that can see bigger pictures that can see patterns that can see strategies that can see, and has studied all the [00:04:00] sales and the marketing, all that stuff. Um, Um, with the intelligence of her body and she’s still, she’s just still learning how to marry that strategic brain with all these sensations and then her intuition and all that.


[00:04:12] If that sounds like you, it’s definitely sounded like me at times. You are in the right place. Faith has a, she now has an I help statement. Her and I went through a two step practice that helped her create an I cell. I help statement that feels in her words, easy to sit with and feels very true in my body.


[00:04:36] I’m going to share with you the two step practice that we used. The two step practice that we use to create her easy to sit with and very true in her body, uh, is something that is built off of my body based business framework. This is 75 percent somatic support, trauma healing, nervous system regulation, and 25%.


[00:04:57] Business strategy. So the very [00:05:00] first thing that we did was we used a somatic, so somatic being body based practice. This include visualization, um, somatic inquiry, um, yeah, mostly somatic inquiry for this one and kind of an energetic practice as well to return to this sense of lightness, to return to this sense of ease, to return to the sense of confidence and trust in herself and also in others.


[00:05:24] Once we had that grounded inside of her nervous system, we were able to look at the problem of what’s why I help statement from a different place. And together we used our creative and analytical minds to craft this I help statement that is already attracting people who are aligned with her values and ready for her services.


[00:05:47] You, my love. My dear listener, you are going to learn how to do this inside of unapologetic offer creation. This is a free three day live event. You’re going to use your nervous system and body based to business,


[00:06:00] body based wisdom, as well as business strategies. So we’re using the body based business method and you are going to learn the only strategy that you need to craft or refine an offer out of your services or a product that.


[00:06:14] Literally just makes you wanna go out and scream on the roof sides about how amazing it is. So basically, it makes it really easy to sell for you. You are going to learn the nervous system keys to picking a price that feels easy to say and other people are magnetized to and excited to purchase from you.


[00:06:33] And you’re going to uncover the one embodiment practice that you need to sell your offer naturally and without feeling salesy. This is for entrepreneurs of all income levels who want to increase their income, decrease their anxiety, and do it all with an offer that’s easy to sell, guaranteed to sell, and you’re excited to market and execute.


[00:06:53] We have some service providers coming in. We have Reiki practitioners. We have product based businesses like things on Etsy. Um, 


[00:07:00] we have branding consultants. Branding like people who do graphic design and branding. We have people who are in e commerce. We have people who are selling passive income things.


[00:07:09] We have people who are on affiliate marketing. We have people who are in real estate. We have people who are, yeah, I would say that’s affiliate marketing as well. We have entrepreneurs of all different walks of life, and we’re going to have a Q and a session so that you can make sure that what you’re taking and what you’re learning is applicable to your business.


[00:07:30] So what will you walk away with? You’re going to walk away with a new or improved offer that is easy to sell, that aligns with both your deepest desires, and takes into account your current logistical, mental, and emotional capacity, that honors your past trauma or stress, and uses the science of the nervous system to make sure that it’s magnetic.


[00:07:50] Yes, the recording will be. This three day, three day event is free and it is kind of milestone zero of shameless sales. So at the end of the,


[00:08:00] of the three days, you’re going to have the opportunity to learn about my six week program called shameless sales. I would love to have you in there if you want to be in there, if it feels good for you, but there’s also no pressure to join.


[00:08:12] You can either join. One of the events, so either shameless sales or unapologetic offer creation, or you can join both of them. I cannot wait to see you in there. Once you press the link down below inside of the podcast, um, this episode description, you can sign up for the event, and you will receive a link and the guidelines on how to get the most out of the experience.


[00:08:35] I’ll see you there, my love.


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