10 Minute Offer Creation Checklist For The Online Entrepreneur, Who Wants The Body-based truth on how to Simple, Sustainable $5k months

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I used to feel like time was slipping through my fingers and I’d never have enough to do ALL the things that would create success. 


So, I spent what felt like forever oscillating between spending all my free time learning how other people did sales, marketing and business and taking long days off, avoiding all income producing tasks in the business…. And taking a LONG time to find the correct, magnetic, profitable and easy to sell offer that was tailored to my unique nervous system skills and needs. 


I’ve documented exactly how to do this and distilled it into 4 steps. 

By the end of this episode you will: 

  • Discover how to shift your mindset and leverage time limitations as a source of creativity and focus, empowering you to build a profitable business on your terms.
  • Know 4 quick and simple steps to confidently craft offers that align with your expertise and resonate deeply with your audience.
  • Learn how to use nervous system science to create magnetic offers free from the heaviness of more traditional sales tactics. 

Easeful, shame-free, and nervous system friendly business begins with easeful, shame-free and nervous system friendly offers. 

Inside Unapologetic Offer Creation you’ll create an (online or offline) offer you love selling and are excited to execute using body-based tools 

In this 3-day nervous system training, you are going to:

  • Learn the ONLY strategy you need to craft (or refine) an offer out of your services, or product that makes you want to scream from the rooftops how amazing it is.
  • Understand the ESSENTIAL nervous system keys to picking a price that feels YUMMY and people are magnetised to. 
  • Uncover the ONE embodiment practice you need to sell your offer, naturally and without feeling heavy, icky or inauthentic. 

Click here to register for Unapologetic Offer Creation

By signing up for this event, when the doors to Shameless Sales open on March 25, you will be able to get a UOC only exclusive bonus: Somatic Manifestation, that will help you manifest your next client in your DM.


[00:00:00] This podcast is going to break down your offer creation and how you’re going to bring in income and it’s going to help your overwhelm.


[00:00:06] You’re going to understand how 10 minutes of coaching will help you a few thousands of dollars. My personal backstory of how I’ve managed time As an entrepreneur who’s been having a kind of like fingers in a little pots for a lot of years and how to become as magnetic as other creatures appear to be with your own offer.


[00:00:44] I’m gonna give you a little bit of backstory first I used to have a lot of thoughts about my business. I used to think about it a lot and I used to take all of those thoughts at face value. I would binge podcasts. And I would, I had this feeling of like desperately wanting to acquire the correct


[00:01:00] skill or the correct certification or framework or understanding to increase my income.


[00:01:06] And I would marvel at how other coaches or other entrepreneurs seem to have it all together. And I would just think that they’d found some like secret success that I seem to be something towards. And then. I would have marketing in my face telling me, Oh, you found the secret. There’s this secret that you’re missing in life.


[00:01:27] Buy this program, get this secret, right? And Google ads were just filled. At the same time, I had this inner good girl inside and this perfectionist that I insisted wasn’t a perfectionist. Turns out, she was. I am. And these parts of me were always looking for somebody else to pat me on the back and say, oh yeah, good job.


[00:01:47] So I spent a lot of nights laying in bed, eyes open, heart racing, worrying that I had made some wrong decision somewhere, and that I might need to apply for jobs in the morning. At the same time,


[00:02:00] my mom was Hey! Have you considered getting a contracting job? She was completely unaware of what my financial situation was and the fact that I was actually doing quite well despite my anxiety, but it was triggering nonetheless.


[00:02:13] So I had a lot of sales complications and no matter how they went, my heart would race as I would try to make sure that I never did anything wrong or missed out on any opportunities. I was already burnt out. As you guys know, I was recovering from complex PTSD from some pretty traumatic incidents. I Um, earlier on, and I knew that an office job wasn’t for me, right?


[00:02:35] My heart was tired and life hadn’t really been easy for me up until then. So that’s it. It felt like I spent forever, but I just spent so much time oscillating between spending all my free time learning how other people did sales and marketing and business and then taking long days off and avoiding all income producing tasks in the business because I was, in my mind, like investing in my


[00:03:00] energy and, and, and, you know, and like nourishing my nervous system and both are helpful at the right time.


[00:03:06] Right. But I was in this extreme and it was, It’s not helping me. So I was having all these thoughts. One of the thoughts was I don’t have enough time and I was believing it and I was finding all this evidence as to why this business would never work the way that it needed to be. And I would, I would just believe it.


[00:03:25] I was like, I don’t have enough time. That’s it. I don’t have enough time because I’m busy and because I’m doing this and I have this and I have this. And I think the honest truth isn’t necessarily whether I have enough time or whether I do have enough time. Um, I think that yes. Two things can be true.


[00:03:40] You can be busy and yes, you can have enough time because I don’t have enough time. That thought or perhaps even that reality isn’t actually a reason not to do something even though your mind might tell you that it is.


[00:04:00] It is an invitation into creativity. That thought, I don’t have enough time or even I’m too tired, I’ve done something wrong or this won’t work for is a gift.


[00:04:16] It’s not a truth. It’s an invitation into creativity. Most, actually my most successful income months have always occurred when I’m short on time because I focus and I get creative about what needs to get done. In fact, my most successful clients are often limited by time because we focus and we get creative.


[00:04:39] And if that feels impossible, my dear listener, that’s okay. If you want to rip your headphones out and you’re upset with me at the moment because I’m challenging the fact that maybe yes, you do have enough time. That’s okay. It’s almost to be expected. Because the ability to see how a lack of time can in fact serve you is a


[00:05:00] skill that is developed and sustained in a healthy way through a healthy and regulated and resilient nervous system.


[00:05:07] We are not talking about hustling energy. We are not talking about desperation. We are talking about resilience, embodiment, confidence. Clarity, creativity. This skill is what’s going to help you spend more time laughing at the birds in your window. Uh, and like perfecting your pizza dough recipe while you hang out with your friends.


[00:05:27] This skill is what is going to help you


[00:05:32] be that embodied entrepreneur that you’ve always wanted to be. So here’s an example of how we’re going to use this skill. Here’s how you and I would sit in front of each other right now. We would take 10 minutes to map out of your offer.


[00:05:42] Now you don’t have to follow this step by step. I’m going to be taking you through it inside of unapologetic offer creation, which is a free three day live event. You’ll find the link for that below in the show notes. But here’s what we’re going to do and here’s how we’re going to make your lack of time serve you.


[00:05:56] The very first thing we’re going to do is we’re going to remove all the stickiness and all the


[00:06:00] shame and all the judgments that are making you feel heavy, making you feel like you’ve done something wrong, making you feel like there’s something that you’re not getting, something that you’re missing, um, something that you just haven’t quite, you’re not smart enough, or there should be something different.


[00:06:13] We’re going to take all of that and using an embodiment practice, we’re going to shift it so that you are now in confidence, clarity, and creativity. Then we are going to identify how Your client or yeah, the person that you’d like to serve or provide a product for is feeling point A, what they need, what problems they need to solve, and then we’re going to identify their point B.


[00:06:37] So what would happen after they finish working with you? What are you particularly able to support them with? Third step is we’re going to ask you and your expert mind how, what’s the best way that they can get there. And remember that we are without shame and we are without stickiness and we are without self doubt and we are without judgment.


[00:06:56] So when you answer these things, you’re going to be answering them from a different


[00:07:00] perspective from where you are at the moment. So it’s going to be a different felt embodied experience. You’re going to have different thoughts. Then we’re going to use your body based wisdom. And we’re going to use a little bit of discernment and understanding of the current market to pick a price that you feel really good about.


[00:07:14] And your clients also feel really, really good about, and they can say, yeah, this makes sense. It makes sense to invest in this, in this economy, in the way that I’m feeling right now, you’ll be learning this skill in unapologetic offer creation, where you’ll use your innate body based intelligence to create opportunities.


[00:07:32] Well, for fine, a magnetic offer, you love selling your offer is going to be as good as your coaches or that person that you’ve been stalking on Instagram. So in addition to breaking that unconscious stance of believing I don’t have enough time, you’re also going to learn the only strategy that you need to, you’re also going to learn the essential nervous system keys to picking a price that was like honey dropping off your tongue and that people, Nope, we’ve done that.


[00:07:57] You’re also going to learn the one [00:08:00] embodiment practice that you need to sell your offer naturally and without. Feeling heavy, salesy, icky, or like you want to run away and hide down below. You’ll find the information to register for unapologetic offer creation. I’m really looking forward to seeing you on day one.


[00:08:13] We’re really going to focus on removing that shame, removing that stickiness, identifying point a and B on day two, we’re really going to focus on making sure that you have a price that you’re confident about and on day three, we’re going to focus on what you need to get out there and make a sale with this amazing new offer that you can bring in.


[00:08:32] Some more income in a way that you’re proud of. I’ll see you there.[00:09:00]

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